Greta, thank you so much for your congratulations.
I was lucky indeed to win Betty MacDonald Fan Club Contest.
The answer was rather easy and many Betty MacDonald fan club fans around the world took part.
You can find the answer in Betty MacDonald's Onions in the Stew, Chapter IX, Other friends and enemies.
Betty MacDonald felt rather guilty when the little mouse died. Husband Donald MacDonald killed her with a trap. A rather sad story.
Letizia Mancino's mouse story is very witty and it even has a Happy End.
Greta, that's right. There is only one thing we dislike.
Our new Betty MacDonald fan club honor member, Mr. Tigerli should have a better lover than his current one.
There are really very important actions like FREE PUSSY RIOT and we support it very much.
There should be also an action BETTER LOVER FOR MR: TIGERLI:
We hope Letizia Mancino and her husband enjoyed their stay in Washington State.
We can't wait to read about their experiences.
Thanks a lot.
Hi guys, I know you enjoy Paralympics in London very, very much. I know you will rock London and I wished I could join you.
I got a mail from London that Ben found a very interesting copy of Mary Bard Jensen's book FORTY ODD. If you are lucky enough you can find the most important items.
Ben is writing a report for Betty MacDonald Fan Club Newsletter.
Wolfgang Hampel will continue to delight Betty MacDonald fans around the world with his outstanding poems as he does with his unique Betty MacDonald interviews and biographies.
What about the new Eva Vargas project?
Wishing you the best,
Happy Lasse