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Fans and Friends of Betty MacDonald, author of The Egg and I and The Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Series
Don't miss Wolfgang Hampel's fascinating Betty MacDonald biography and his very witty interviews with Betty MacDonald's family and friends.
You'll be able to read some very interesting letters by Betty MacDonald regarding her fascinating political views.
We had Super Tuesday in the United States.
There is no doubt who would have been Betty MacDonald's favourite.
Betty MacDonald was a convinced Democrat.
You can read these political statements in several of her letters in Betty MacDonald fan club collection.
So no chance for Mr. Trump! What's your opinion?
What about some excellent Super Tuesday cinnamon rolls from the Burbanks' kitchen?
You don't know what I'm talking about?
No problem you can find the delightful story and recipe below. We are going to publish new Betty MacDonald essays on Betty MacDonald's gardens and nature in Washington State. Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter March will be very interesting
because we'll share new outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club research
Tell us the names of this mysterious couple please and you can win a very new Betty MacDonald documentary.
A pitched battle for the White House between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton moved closer to becoming reality as both leapt further ahead in the battleground states of a marathon Super Tuesday. On the most important night of the presidential race so far, Clinton ground down the challenge from Vermont senator Bernie Sanders
in the Democratic primary. She beat him in seven of the 11 states
contested by the Democrats, including the delegate-rich prizes of Texas,
Georgia, Massachusetts and Virginia. Sanders, who won in his home state of Vermont,
finished the night strongly, with victories in Colorado, Minnesota and
Oklahoma. He has made clear he has a big war chest and insists he will
fight all the way to the July Democratic convention. In the Republican race, Trump won seven of the 11 states, taking a
commanding lead in the bitterly fought race for the Republican
nomination. Maverick Texas senator Ted Cruz won his home state as well as
Oklahoma and Alaska, while the establishment’s last, fading hope,
Florida senator Marco Rubio, was left substantially adrift, although he did belatedly record his first win of 2016 in Minnesota. By midnight EST, the Associated Press had declared that Clinton and
Trump had each won seven states, cementing their status as frontrunners
on what could prove to be a defining night in the 2016 contest. Clinton swept the south, winning in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, then narrowly won in Massachusetts, her first New England victory. Trump won the first five Republican results of the night – Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia. He later added Arkansas and narrowly held off Ohio governor John Kasich in Vermont. A hoarse-sounding Clinton appeared shortly before 9pm EST, at a noisy
victory rally in Miami, and shouted: “What a super Tuesday!”
Looking ahead to New Orleans, Detroit and the looming contests in
Louisiana and Michigan, she said: “Now this campaign goes forward to the
Crescent City, the Motor City and beyond.”
looking farther down the road to a potential head-to-head with Trump,
she said: “I’m going to keep saying it: I believe what we need in
America today is more love and kindness. “The stakes have never been higher,” she said, “the rhetoric we are hearing on the other side has never been lower.” Sanders won resoundingly in his home state ofVermont.
However, his campaign team and his wife, Jane, had conceded earlier
that the day ahead looked difficult. “It’s a rough map for us,” said the
senator’s wife, as the campaign team returned to their home in
Burlington after clocking up a 6,200-mile trip to eight states in three
days. Clinton swept convincingly through the southern states of Virginia
and Georgia – called by the AP the moment the polls closed at 7pm EST –
and an hour later in Alabama and Tennessee. It appeared that black voters had once again rallied for her,
leaving her 74-year-old rival facing the uncomfortable truth that his
political revolution had failed to catch fire away from predominantly
whiter states and college campuses. Virginia went to Clinton 64%-35%. In Georgia the margin was 71-28 with 99.9% of the votes counted.
“It’s good to be home,” said a tired-sounding Sanders as he
celebrated his thumping win in Vermont, by a margin of 86-13 with 97.5%
of votes counted.
“I am so proud to bring Vermont values all across this
country. Tonight you are going to see a lot of election results come in
... but remember this is not a general election, this is not winner
takes all. By the end of tonight we are going to win many hundreds of
delegates,” he added.“Let me assure you, we are going to take our fight ... to every one of the states.” As the night went on, the Sanders campaign’s hopes of causing an
upset in Colorado came to pass, although he lost Massachusetts by a
50-48 margin. Sanders has already indicated that he intends to fight on until the
Democratic convention in July. However, while he has the funds to do so,
he is slipping behind Clinton in the battle for delegates, leaving his
campaign to function mostly as a vehicle for keeping the spotlight on
his core issues of inequality, corporate greed, free healthcare and
college education. Clinton was assured of gaining more than 457 delegates from Super Tuesday,
with Sanders getting more than 286. When superdelegates, the Democratic
insiders who are free to choose any candidate, are taken into account,
Clinton now has more than 1,005 delegates, with more than 373 for
Sanders. It takes 2,383 to win the Democratic nomination.
t 7.39pm EST, followed quickly by Alabama, Massachusetts and Tennessee.
He was pushed hard by Rubio in Virginia, but prevailed. Shortly after
9pm EST, Cruz won two states: Oklahoma and his home state of Texas.
Alaska, the last state to declare at 3.45am EST, also went to Cruz.
In Vermont, Trump eventually won in a much closer contest with Kasich, mirroring last month’ s result in New Hampshire. With final votes still being tallied, Trump had won at least 203
Super Tuesday delegates, while Cruz picked up at least 144. Overall,
Trump leads the Republican field with 285 delegates. It takes 1,237
delegates to win the nomination. Trump’s successful run of results has owed as much to the fractured
nature of the Republican field as to his own brutish determination to
tap into the mood of anger at large in the US. But speaking at his victory party in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump claimed: “I am a unifier.” He said: “This has been an amazing evening ... We’ve already won five, it looks like we can win six or seven or eight or nine.” Insisting he would make the Republicans “a finer, unified party”,
Trump said: “We’re gonna make America great again, folks ... We’re gonna
make America great.”
Clinton and Trump start sizing up one another
Like Clinton, Trump ended the night with a rally in Florida, the
clearest indication they were both pushing past Super Tuesday to the
next contests – and already sizing up one another. Florida is in play on
15 March in the primaries and will be key to the hopes of both parties
in the presidential run-off in November. Trump derided Clinton’s desire to make America whole again and citing
the controversy over her use of personal email, he said: “I’m going to
be going after Hillary Clinton – if she is allowed to run.” He claimed: “What she did was a criminal act. If she is allowed to run, honestly, it will be a sad day for this country.” Within the Republican hierarchy, however, there was little enthusiasm
for a Trump candidacy. Earlier in the day, House speaker Paul Ryan
expressed grave concern that Trump had still not unequivocally disavowed
the support of Ku Klux Klan chied David Duke. Ryan warned: “If a person
wants to be the nominee of the Republican party … they must reject any
group or cause that is built on bigotry.” Ted Cruz, last of the main candidates to speak on the night, was in
bullish form after his victories. Trump, he said, would be “a disaster
for Republicans, for conservatives and for the nation ... Our campaign
is the only campaign that has beaten, can beat and will beat Donald Trump.”
the Republican field, down to a final five, Rubio still only has a
solitary win, but clings on. He struck a defiant tone despite a dismal
showing in which the senator failed to rack up a single win – and
appeared short of the 20% threshold in certain states to secure any
delegates. Speaking in his hometown of Miami, Rubio said it would be up to
Florida to shift the direction of the race. “Two weeks from tonight,
right here in Florida, we are going to send a message loud and clear,”
Rubio said. “We are going to send a message that the party of Lincoln
and Reagan, and the presidency of the United States, will never be held
by a con artist.” Rubio could theoretically start to close the gap in states such as
Ohio and Florida, which operate a “winner takes all” approach to
allocating the delegates who need to be amassed before the Republican
convention in July. But he has so little momentum, his chances appear
almost nonexistent. Meanwhile Kasich has indicated he will stick around until his home
state votes on 15 March, while soft-spoken outsider Ben Carson has also
shown no appetite for removing himself from the race. While still leaving a mathematical chance that Trump and Clinton can
be caught, the Super Tuesday results suggest that voters in November’s
general election will be presented with one of the starkest electoral
choices in a generation: the first woman president or a brash
billionaire whose remarkable success has been forged by rejecting all
the rules of modern politics.
Darsie obediently got up, took the sugar bowl and went out to the
kitchen. After a long long time he came back to the breakfast table with
a plate of cinnamon rolls.
"What are these for?" his father said. "And where is the sugar?"
"Sugar?" said Darsie. "What about sugar?"
"I told you to fill the sugar bowl," said Mrs. Burbank.
"Oh," said Darsie, "I thought you said, 'Get the cinnamon roll.'"
from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic by Betty MacDonald
The Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series is full to the brim with references
to classic American foods like sugar cookies, root beer floats, and
peanut butter sandwiches. I read all of the books (multiple times) as I
was growing up, and true to my foodie tendencies, I was often distracted
by the foods described at the characters' mealtimes, parties, or garden
club meetings.
Written in the 1940's and 1950's, it's no surprise that these classics
pop up through all the books. This was a time of economic abundance and
the growing popularity of pre-packaged foods. The most vogue recipes
were the ones that included brand names. So it was a time when a lot of
American classics were born.
And it doesn't get much more classic (or delicious) than cinnamon rolls.
My rolls are stuffed with plenty of cinnamon and pecans, so they are reminiscent of pecan spinwheels.
Made completely with whole wheat flour, I was afraid these would be a
bit too heavy or chewy. But while they're not as cake-y as their white
flour counterparts, the texture is actually really lovely, like a soft
Um, also? Vegan.
I couldn't bring myself to make them without real icing and a candied
center though, so you'll find that these call for brown and powdered
sugar. But compared to a typical recipe,
they require only about half of what's usually used. And if you'd like
to make it even healthier, you could substitute palm sugar for the brown
sugar, and try this date syrup as icing.
I'm pretty sold on this version though. Even J, who is notorious for his
rejection of sweet snacks, couldn't keep his paws off of these.
Cinnamon Pecan Rolls
For the dough...
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 packet active yeast
2 tbsp, + 1 tsp brown sugar
3 cups white whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
6 tbsp unsweetened applesauce, at room temperature
For the filling...
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp, + 2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp oil
1/2 cup pecans
For the icing...
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
small amount of almond milk
1. Heat the milk in the microwave until 100-110 degrees (about 1 min).
Sprinkle 1 tsp of the brown sugar and the yeast over the milk. Stir,
then set aside to proof for 5-10 minutes.
2. In the meantime, combine the 2 tbsp brown sugar, 2 1/2 cups flour,
baking powder, salt, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. Form a well in the
mixture, then pour in the yeast and applesauce. Stir until holding
together, then add the rest of the flour a couple of tablespoons at a
time. When stirring is no longer possible, begin kneading the dough,
adding more flour until you have a ball without stickiness. I needed the
full 3 cups of might even need a bit more.
3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to about a 12" by
18" rectangle, about 1/4" thick. Combine the four filling ingredients in
a food processor and pulse until well blended. Spread evenly over the
dough, leaving about 1" empty on a long edge. From the opposite edge,
roll the dough up, then pinch to seal. You will have a long tube of
4. Cut the ends off, then cut the dough into 12 pieces. Grease a baking
dish and carefully place the pieces in it, with the cinnamon spirals
facing up. Cover with a warm dishtowel and place in a warm place to
rise, about 45-60 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake the rolls for 20-25 minutes. Allow rolls to cool for at least 10 minutes before icing.
6. To the powdered sugar, add a very small amount of almond milk
(less than 1 tsp). Stir until well combined, and add more milk as
needed, until desired consistency. Stir in the vanilla, then drizzle
over the cinnamon rolls.
first of all, these will be the first thing i bake in our new oven. second of all, it has been forever since i've seen your space (i always get/read your email updates) and i LOVE your new design! third of all, your photography is awesome. fourth of all, i am so proud of you. fifth of all, i love you.
that someone else knows about them. NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THEM! My Mom read
them to me growing up and now she has become a bit of a "Miss Piggle
Wiggle" herself. (She's a retired elementary school teacher turned
nanny). Such a treat. Thanks!
Your happy makes me so happy! I'm definitely on the same page as you. I
have all of them on my bookshelf to this day, and I read them
Holy guacamole that picture of the inside goo! Heavenly heavenly
HEAVEN. I'm going to file this one away under "healthified versions of
can we PLEASE! have baking parties next year? i got a children's book
cookbook (with recipes from all kinds of british children's books!) and
i'd love for you to teach me your ways. :)
You know cinnamon rolls have been calling my name the last few
weeks.... and since I haven't had one in almost 3 years - I think I
should just have a cinnamon roll - and it it too! ;) These look super yummy ;) xoxo
Betty MacDonald Fan Club, founded by Wolfgang Hampel, has members in 40 countries.
Wolfgang Hampel, author of Betty MacDonald biography interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends. His Interviews have been published on CD and DVD by Betty MacDonald Fan Club. If you are interested in the Betty MacDonald Biography or the Betty MacDonald Interviews send us a mail, please.
Several original Interviews with Betty MacDonald are available.
We are also organizing international Betty MacDonald Fan Club Events for example, Betty MacDonald Fan Club Eurovision Song Contest Meetings in Oslo and Düsseldorf, Royal Wedding Betty MacDonald Fan Club Event in Stockholm and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fifa Worldcup Conferences in South Africa and Germany.
Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Members are Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter and described as Kimi in Betty MacDonald's The Plague and I, Betty MacDonald's nephew, artist and writer Darsie Beck, Betty MacDonald fans and beloved authors and artists Gwen Grant, Letizia Mancino, Perry Woodfin, Traci Tyne Hilton, Tatjana Geßler, music producer Bernd Kunze, musician Thomas Bödigheimer, translater Mary Holmes and Mr. Tigerli.
Oh, and as much as I like breakfast, "Fantasy Friday" is a bit of a stretch for cinnamon buns. :)