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Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
these great Betty MacDonald fan club news are outstanding!
Thanks a million dearest Nancy for sharing this very important letter by Betty MacDonald.
Perhaps the most important letter by Betty MacDonald until today.
Betty MacDonald fan club letter collection got really wonderful ones.
Betty MacDonald and her sister Mary Bard Jensen had so many curious fans who wrote many letters to their beloved authors.
We are very grateful because many Betty MacDonald fan club fans share these wonderful documents.
Thanks a million guys for this!
Thanks a million for your outstanding support!
MacDonald mentions in detail the original version of The Egg and I and
the differences with the final edition of her first book.
Greta and her Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on an article for Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter June.
Don't miss new Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.
As a real Betty MacDonald fan club fan you can answer this question very easily.
In which book Betty MacDonald did describe her 'adopted' sister Madge?
In case you know the persons ( see great colour photo ) you can win a special Betty MacDonald fan club bonus item.
Send your answer please and if you are lucky enough you are our next Betty MacDonald fan club contest winner.
Deadline: May 31, 2015
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are going to include all
these new details and info in updated Betty MacDonald biography.
More info in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter June.
New Betty MacDonald documentary will be very interesting with many interviews never published before.
How is Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli doing?
We miss our 'Casanova' so much.
We adore ' Picturing Alice ' by Brad Craft.
Take care,
Anita and Eartha Kitt II
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
great Betty MacDonald fan club news.
A Betty MacDonald fan club fan from Canada is going to share a very important letter by Betty MacDonald.
MacDonald mentions in detail the original version of The Egg and I and
the differences with the final edition of her first book.
Greta and her Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on an article for Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter June.
Don't miss new Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.
As a real Betty MacDonald fan club fan you can answer this question very easily.
In which book Betty MacDonald did describe her 'adopted' sister Madge?
In case you know the persons ( see great colour photo ) you can win a special Betty MacDonald fan club bonus item.
Send your answer please and if you are lucky enough you are our next Betty MacDonald fan club contest winner.
Deadline: May 31, 2015
Imagine to read the exciting experiences of Betty MacDonald and Claudette Colbert in Hollywood.
There is also a letter by Betty MacDonald's sister unique sister Mary Bard Jensen with some very witty thoughts and comments.
You'll enjoy it very much.
There will be an extra Betty MacDonald fan club article describing the new Betty MacDonald fan club treasure.
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are going to include all
these new details and info in updated Betty MacDonald biography.
More info in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter June.
New Betty MacDonald documentary will be very interesting with many interviews never published before.
Great news!
Betty MacDonald fan club fan club got many new fans from all over the world including Australia.
Welcome dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans!
How is Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli doing?
I hope he is fond of a 'Grande Amore'.
Enjoy a delightful breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick.
Best wishes,
Rob, Selma, Anita and Eartha Kitt II
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 was
great but it seems that some of the so called Big 5 countries like UK,
Spain, Germany and France might leave Eurovision Song Contest in future
because many ESC fans in these countries aren't longer interested in ESC.
If several of these countries really leave ESC this might mean the end of the contest.
We'll see what happens.
Many ESC fans from these countries are very frustrated because of many bad results in the past.
case of Spain and Germany we are not able to understand these
results. Germany was even in TOP 5 in Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015
and Spain in TOP 10.
Austria as host of ESC 2015 didn't get a single point.
This happened for the first time ever in ESC history.
It was the first time since 1997 that more than one country has gone
home with ‘nul points’, with Norway and Portgual both failing to score
that year.
However it’s also the first ‘nul points’ to occur in a Eurovision
final since the UK’s Jemini scored their notorious duck at the 2003
There will be an outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club ESC DVD in June.
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC event was great because of many new fans from all over the world.
The Betty MacDonald fan club fan base is growing every day.
I bet Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli is very happy because his favourite ESC entry got 3rd place.
Grande Amore!
All my love,
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
there will be an outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club ESC DVD in June.
Congratulations Sweden for winning ESC 2015 in Vienna and Russia and Italy for 2nd and 3rd place.
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC fans from 5 continents adore these entries!
The 2015 Eurovision voting has run in to a spot of bother after it
emerged that two participants had their jury votes disqualified.
Both FYR Macedonia and Montenegro’s jury votes – which account for 50
per cent of the total votes cast – were dismissed, with their points
made up entirely from public televoting instead.
The news was confirmed in a statement by Eurovision representatives.
‘The jury results of FYR Macedonia and Montenegro for the grand final
have been excluded after consultation of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the
contest’s independent voting observer, and upon the decision of the
executive supervisor and the chairman of the reference group,’ they
‘In both countries, televoting applied for 100%. The exclusion of two
juries will be further discussed in the next reference group meeting in
MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 was great but it seems that some of
the so called Big 5 countries like UK, Spain, Germany and France might
leave Eurovision Song Contest in future because ESC fans in these
countries aren't longer interested in ESC.
If several of these countries really leave ESC this might mean the end of the contest. We'll see what happens.
case of Spain and Germany we are not able to understand the bad
results. Germany was even in TOP 5 in Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015
and Spain in TOP 10.
Austria as host of ESC 2015 didn't get a single point.
This happened for the first time ever in ESC history.
It was the first time since 1997 that more than one country has gone
home with ‘nul points’, with Norway and Portgual both failing to score
that year.
However it’s also the first ‘nul points’ to occur in a Eurovision
final since the UK’s Jemini scored their notorious duck at the 2003
There will be an outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club ESC DVD in June.
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC event was great because of many new fans from all over the world.
The Betty MacDonald fan club fan base is growing every day.
I bet Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli is very happy because his favourite ESC entry got 3rd place.
Grande Amore!
All my love,
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund

Betty MacDonald fan club ESC fans in Vienna and around the world can't wait to see the final ESC results.
Who will be ESC winner 2015?
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 changes very much as you can see.
Which song will be Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 winner?
You'll see the final results today on Betty MacDonald fan club blog no longer in alphabetical order! Don't miss it please.
Welcome Israel in Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 for the first time!
Welcome back Greece and Spain to Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10.
This is our updated 35th Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 in alphabetical order:
Which ESC entry is your favourite in 2015?
We are going to publish an updated Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 very soon.
Happy 60th birthday dear Eurovision Song Contest.
This is my favourite Eurovision Song Contest.
Celine Dion won in 1988 and it was one of the most dramatic moments in ESC history because it was so very exciting.
Don't miss behind the scene, please. It's very touching.
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund
Betty MacDonald fan club fans,
some Betty MacDonald book collectors are looking for international book editions of Betty MacDonald's wonderful book 'Nancy and Plum'.
You can see the cover of the German edition of Nancy and Plum 'Hand in Hand der Sonne nach'.
I adore the beautiful cover and the illustrations very much.
A real Betty MacDonald treasure!
If you have any copies to offer let us know, please.
We are going to have a Betty MacDonald fan club book cover contest in June.
We are looking for the most beautiful Betty MacDonald book cover.
More info soon!
Don't miss current Betty MacDonald fan club contest, please.
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
, Anita, Eartha Kitt II and their Betty MacDonald fan club research
team are going to share their outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club
research results.
New Betty MacDonald documentary will be very interesting with many new interviews.
Enjoy a delightful very new breakfast at the bookstore with Brad and Nick.
Take care,
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund
Conchita - ESC Winner 2014
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC fans in Vienna and around the world can't wait to see the final ESC results.
The second Semi Final in Vienna was very exciting.
It's a surprise that Cyprus is in Grand Final on Saturday.
I like this song.
Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 changed very much as you can see.
Which song will be Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 winner?
Welcome Lithuania in Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 for the first time!
Welcome back Azerbaijan and Slovenia to Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10.
This is our updated 34th Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 in alphabetical order:
Which ESC entry is your favourite in 2015?
We are going to publish an updated Betty MacDonald fan club ESC 2015 TOP 10 very soon.
Happy 60th birthday dear Eurovision Song Contest.
This is my favourite Eurovision Song Contest.
Celine Dion won in 1988 and it was one of the most dramatic moments in ESC history because it was so very exciting.
Don't miss behind the scene, please. It's very touching.
Betty MacDonald fan club
Betty MacDonald forum
Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel
Betty MacDonald fan club items
Betty MacDonald fan club items - comments
Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund