Friday, September 12, 2014

Betty MacDonald letter about writing autobiographical books

Betty MacDonald fans,

according to Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel there will be a single chapter about Betty MacDonald's life motto in the new updated Betty MacDonald biography.

Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter includes an outstanding letter by Betty MacDonald.

Why is this letter so important?

Betty MacDonald describes in detail about the method of writing autobiographical books.

Read and enjoy! You'll be able to learn a lot!!!

What is going on between Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli and Dr. Fur?

Does Mr. Tigeli visit Dr. Fur? I wonder because both are so very different.

What kind of a doctorate got 'Dr.'  Fur?

We'd be very curious to learn more about this.

Any details?



Wolfgang Hampel - Betty MacDonald fan club founder

Betty MacDonald fan club